MCAirgun 357 Power Pellets are cast from soft lead alloy. (BHN 8)
Each box contains 15 MCAirgun Power Pellets.
Available as five distinctive shapes and weights in either
Full Polymer Jacket (FPJ) or Raw soft lead.
These pellets offer you a very cool opertunity to explore the potential of your
big bore air rifle.
Whether you’re hunting or plinking around we’re sure you’ll find one of our
Power Pellets to be your go-to favorite.

The Angry Mosquito is our lightest Power Pellet.
Weighing in at 105 grains it is a flat trajectory round nose pellet.
At 890 fps and 185 ft/lb our Angry Mosquitoes will more than annoy your target.
Available in pepper grey full polymer jacket or raw soft lead.

The Green Meanie is our welterweight Power Pellet.
Green Meanies are Truncated Cone (TC) pellets with a straight ogive
and medium size meplat.
At 815 fps and 185 ft/lb our 125 grain Green Meanies are nasty to your targets.
Available in forest green full polymer jacket or raw soft lead.

The Blak Widow is our medium weight Power Pellet.
The stealthy Blak Widow 130 grain round nose pellet.
At 800 fps and 185 ft/lb our Blak Widow is deadly poison to prey.
Available in black full polymer jacket or raw soft lead.

The Red Wasp is our heavy cruiserweight Power Pellet.
It is a 152 grain Hollow Base Wadcutter (HBWC) with four drive bands that
engage the rifling the length of the pellet.
At 715 fps and 175 ft/lb our Red Wasp is a real target punch.
Loaded “base out” our Red Wasp becomes a hollow point short range energy thumper.
Available in fire red full polymer jacket or raw soft lead.

The Monster Flathead is our heavy weight Power Pellet.
This is a round nose flat point (RNFP) 163 grain with two large drive bands
and an extra wide meplat.
At 710 fps and 182 ft/lb Flatheads are cruisin’ for a bruisin’.
The Monster Flathead lurks in it’s dark chamber waiting to pounce on
your unsuspecting prey.
Available in shadow brown full polymer jacket or raw soft lead.